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Low Cost Mental Health Resources: Supporting Well Being Across All Age Groups and Communities

Myat Khaing picturemyat khaing
eventSun, 24th September 2023

In today's fast-paced world, mental health has become a critical concern affecting individuals ofall ages and backgrounds. Access to proper mental health resources is essential for addressing and managing mental health challenges effectively.

In this article, we will provide valuable links and recommendations for low cost resources foradults, children, college students, low-income families, and immigrants.

Mental Health Resources for Adults

Adults often face unique challenges in their mental health journey, such as work-related stress,relationship issues, and coping with life transitions. To address these concerns, numerous mentalhealth resources are available.

  • NYC Well: NYC Well is a free and confidential helpline that connects individuals totrained counselors 24/7. They can provide information, support, and referrals to mentalhealth services in New York City. Contact: 1-888-NYC-WELL (1-888-692-9355).
  • The Samaritans of New York: The Samaritans offer emotional support to individuals indistress through their 24/7 helpline. They are staffed by trained volunteers who providenon-judgmental listening. Helpline: 212-673-3000.
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Helpline: NAMI offers a helpline thatprovides information, support, and referrals to local resources. Visit their website or call1-800-950-NAMI (6264) for assistance. Website:
  • Open Path Collective: This platform connects individuals with affordable, in-person oronline therapy sessions provided by mental health professionals who offer reduced rates. Website:
  • 7 Cups: 7 Cups offers free emotional support through trained volunteers and alsoprovides low-cost online therapy with licensed therapists. Website:
  • This website allows you to search for local resources by entering your ZIP code.It provides information on a variety of social services, including mental health support,that are available in your area. Website:
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) TreatmentLocator: SAMHSA's locator helps individuals find mental health and substance abusetreatment centers across the United States. Website:
  • TherapyRoute: TherapyRoute offers a directory of mental health professionals who offerreduced fees or sliding scale payments. You can search for therapists in your area. Website:
  • Community Health Access to Addiction and Mental Healthcare Project (CHAMP):CHAMP, New York State's independent health insurance ombudsman program, helps New Yorkers access substance use disorder and mental health treatment and navigateinsurance coverage. Website:

Mental Health Resources for Children:

Children's mental health is of utmost importance as it shapes their development and future well-being. Here are some resources that cater specifically to children:

  • Child Mind Institute: The Child Mind Institute provides comprehensive information,resources about mental health divided under three different categories (care, education, &science), and guidance for parents and caregivers dealing with children's mental healthand learning disorders. Website:
  • National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN): NCTSN offers a comprehensivearray of resources related to childhood trauma and its impact. It provides access to awealth of information, including articles, fact sheets, and research findings on trauma-informed care for children and adolescents. They also offer guidance for professionals,parents, and caregivers, addressing topics such as child abuse, natural disasters, an dexposure to violence. Website:
  • American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP): AACAP provides awide range of resources related to child and adolescent mental health. These resourcesinclude educational materials, articles, and guidelines for parents, caregivers, educators,and mental health professionals. Website:
  • Girls Health: Organization provides girls with reliable health information related tophysical health, mental health, nutrition, fitness, and sexual health. It is regularly updatedwith the latest scientific research, following strict editorial and review guidelines foraccuracy. Website:
  • OK2TALK: OK2TALK is a supportive community platform through tumblr for youngpeople facing mental health challenges. This is a platform developed by the NationalAssociation of Broadcasters and featured on Website:
  • The Child Center of NY: This organization offers mental health services and support forchildren and families in New York City. They provide counseling, therapy, and crisisintervention. Website:
  • Advocates for Children of New York: This organization focuses on ensuring that childrenwith disabilities and other challenges receive the education and support they need. Theyoffer advocacy and resources for families. Website:
  • ThriveNYC: This initiative by the City of New York aims to promote mental healthawareness and access to services. They offer resources for children, adolescents, andfamilies. Website:
  • The Trevor Project: Focused on LGBTQ+ youth, The Trevor Project provides crisisintervention and suicide prevention services through their helpline, chat, and text. Website:

Mental Health Resources for College Students:

College can be a time of significant change and stress for many students. Recognizing this,several resources are available to support their mental well-being:

  • Active Minds: Active Minds is a nonprofit organization that empowers college studentsto speak openly about mental health and provides resources for campus mental healthinitiatives. It offers a variety of resources, including information on mental health issues,stigma reduction, and resources for individuals seeking help or wanting to support friendsand peers. They provide a platform for students to share their personal mental healthstories, as well as educational materials for campus-based mental health initiatives. Website:
  • ULifeline: ULifeline primarily offers mental health resources and support for collegestudents. It provides a range of valuable resources, including articles, self-assessmenttools, and guidance on mental health issues commonly faced by college students, such asstress, anxiety, depression, and substance abuse. The website also offers a mental healthself-assessment tool that allows students to evaluate their emotional well-being andconnect with appropriate resources. Additionally, it may provide information on how toseek help on campus, including counseling services and crisis hotlines. Website:
  • Jed Foundation: The Jed Foundation works to promote emotional well-being and preventsuicide among college and university students. They provide resources, tools, andprograms for campuses. Website:
  • Talkspace for Students: Talkspace offers online therapy with licensed therapists, and theymay have special plans or discounts for college students. Website:
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness on Campus (NAMI on Campus): This program helpsstudents advocate for mental health resources on their campuses. They provideinformation, resources, and tools for starting mental health initiatives.
  • Healthy Minds Network: This organization focuses on improving the mental health ofcollege students through research and advocacy. Their website offers resources andinsights into college mental health. Website:
  • The Steve Fund: The Steve Fund focuses on supporting the mental health and emotionalwell-being of students of color. They provide resources, webinars, and information onmental health disparities. Website:

Mental Health Resources for Low-Income Families:

Access to mental health resources can be a challenge for low-income families. Fortunately,several organizations are dedicated to bridging this gap:

  • Open Path Collective: Open Path Collective connects individuals with affordable mentalhealth services provided by licensed professionals who offer reduced rates.Website:
  • Mental Health America (MHA): MHA provides access to articles, guides, and toolsrelated to mental health conditions, wellness, and advocacy. Visitors can find informationon various mental health topics, including anxiety, depression, stress management, andaddiction. The website also offers screening tools for self-assessment, a directory of localMHA affiliates and mental health services, and resources for individuals seeking help orlooking to support loved ones with mental health challenges. Website:
  • Health Information Tool for Empowerment: The Health Information Tool forEmpowerment is an online directory with 5,000+ health and social services for low-income, uninsured, and underinsured people in Greater New York. Website:
  • Community Health Centers: Local community health centers often provide mental healthservices on a sliding fee scale based on income. Search for a nearby center using theHealth Resources and Services Administration's (HRSA) Find a Health Center tool. Website:
  • Parenting Journey: Parenting Journey offers programs and resources to support families,including those facing economic challenges. Their approach addresses the emotionalwell-being of both parents and children. Website:
  • National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) - Resources for Parents and Caregivers: NIMH provides information and resources on mental health for parents and caregivers,including those from low-income backgrounds. Website:
  • Center for Parent Information and Resources: This organization provides resources forparents of children with disabilities, including mental health resources.
  • Child Welfare Information Gateway: This resource offers information and resources forfamilies involved with child welfare systems, including those who may be facingeconomic hardship. Website:
  • Medicaid and CHIP: Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)provide healthcare coverage for eligible low-income families, including mental healthservices for children and adults. Learn more at and

Mental Health Resources for Immigrants:

Immigrants face unique challenges, including cultural adjustment, language barriers, andpotential trauma. Here are some resources tailored to their specific needs:

  • Immigrant Rising: Immigrant Rising offers mental health resources and support forundocumented immigrants, including a comprehensive mental health guide and adirectory of mental health providers. Website:
  • National Immigrant Women's Advocacy Project (NIWAP): NIWAP provides resources,training, and technical assistance on mental health and trauma for immigrant survivors ofviolence. Website:
  • Cultural and Linguistic Competence Resources for Behavioral Health: The SubstanceAbuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) provides resources toimprove cultural and linguistic competence in mental health services for immigrants andrefugees. Website:
  • National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR): NNIRR focuses onpromoting the rights of immigrants and refugees. They provide resources and informationon various issues impacting immigrant communities. Website:
  • Welcoming America: Welcoming America works to create inclusive communities forimmigrants. Their website provides resources for immigrants, service providers, andcommunities aiming to foster inclusivity. Website:
  • United We Dream: This organization focuses on immigrant youth and provides resourcesfor DACA recipients, as well as mental health and wellness support for immigrantcommunities. Website:
  • National Immigrant Women's Advocacy Project (NIWAP): NIWAP provides resources,training, and advocacy to support immigrant women, including information on legalrights, access to services, and domestic violence resources. Website:
  • New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC): NYIC is an advocacy organization that worksto support immigrants in New York. While they may not directly provide mental healthservices, they can connect you to resources and information related to immigrant rightsand support services. Visit their website at
  • The Center for the Integration and Advancement of New Americans (CIANA): CIANA isan organization that provides comprehensive services to immigrants, including mentalhealth support. You can learn more about their programs at Mental Health Resources for Everyone in NY:
  • NYC Well: NYC Well is a comprehensive resource for mental health support in NewYork City. It offers a helpline (1-888-NYC-WELL or 1-888-692-9355) and a website that provides information on various mental health servicesand resources available to all residents, including crisis counseling.
  • ThriveNYC: ThriveNYC is a mental health initiative in New York City aimed atimproving access to mental health services for all residents. Their website provides information on programs, services, andresources to support mental health and well-being.
  • NYC Health + Hospitals: NYC Health + Hospitals is the public healthcare system in NewYork City, and it provides mental health services to residents, including those with lowincome. Visit their website to find information onlocations and services.
  • New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH): The OMH website offers information on mental health services, crisis helplines, and resources available toall New Yorkers. They also provide a directory of mental health providers.
  • Open Path Psychotherapy Collective: Open Path is a nationwide nonprofit organizationthat connects people to affordable mental health services. They have a directory of mentalhealth professionals who offer reduced-rate services to individuals with financiallimitations. You can visit their website at to find therapistsin New York.
  • The Samaritans of New York: The Samaritans offer emotional support to individuals indistress through their 24/7 helpline. They are staffed by trained volunteers who providenon-judgmental listening. Helpline: 212-673-3000.
  • Community Health Access to Addiction and Mental Healthcare Project (CHAMP): CHAMP, New York State's independent health insurance ombudsman program, helpsNew Yorkers access substance use disorder and mental health treatment and navigateinsurance coverage. Website:
  • 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: The 988 Lifeline is a nationwide network of local crisiscenters offering 24/7 free and confidential emotional support for individuals experiencingsuicidal crisis or emotional distress in the United States. Website: Promoting mental health resources across subdivisions of society is essential to ensure thatindividuals from all backgrounds have access to the support they need.

Remember, theseresources are just a starting point, and there are many more available to address specific needs.By understanding and addressing the unique needs of adults, children, college students, low-income families, and immigrants, we can ensure that appropriate support is available.

Utilizing the suggested mental health resources and free apps mentioned in this article,individuals from all backgrounds can take steps toward improved mental well-being. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, and everyone deserves access to the support they need.Together, we can work towards a society that values mental health and offers comprehensiveresources to promote well-being for all.